Secrets: 1*

MAIN TUNNEL WITH HAND RAILS AND PITS: Follow the tunnel down to the first deep pit.  To get across, take a diagonal running jump from the right side to the left, where the ledges protrude farther.  Despite all the conniptions you had to go through to get here, Von Croy's henchmen have arrived first.  Kill the blue-robed bad guy, and his comrade in red and black who comes down from the passage to the right.  Enter the side tunnel where the assassin came from, kill another blue robe waiting there, then continue up the ramp to a gate.

(NOTE: Poisoned arrows work quite well on the assassins.  They seem to get past the whirling knives quite easily.  I'd recommend using them if you've got any left.)

The tunnel beyond seems to have collapsed, leaving ramps on two sides.  There's another assassin, along with a pesky bat or two, at the top of the ramps.  Kill both and advance cautiously along the lower hall (between the ramps).  A little way in you'll activate sliding block traps.  To get through, position Lara at either side of the sliding block, rather than in the center, about one walking step back from the block and squarely facing the other side of the opening.  Take a standing jump just as the block slides away toward the other side of the opening.  Repeat this for the second block.

ROOM WITH MARBLE BASIN: Enter this room and kill the 3 wild dogs lurking inside.  Go around to the back of the basin to get inside it.  Pick up the small medipak and WOODEN TORCH.  Use the torch to light each of the four unlit torches on the wall.  This opens the alcove on the west side of the room.

Pick up wideshot shells in the alcove and use the switch there to open a door elsewhere.  Doing this also lets 3 more dogs into the room.  Kill them, then return past the sliding blocks to the tunnel with the two ramps.  (You may meet another bat here if you didn't kill two of them earlier.) Go to the top of the ramps, where you'll find the gate you just opened.  Enter the blue room.

Cut scene: A panoramic view of the room with its four skylights and four star-shaped receptacles.

ACTIVATING THE SHAFT OF LIGHT: Place each of the 4 SHAFT KEYS in its proper receptacle, activating four beams of blue light.  When you place the last key, the beam of light blows a hole in the floor.

(NOTE: If you are missing the EASTERN SHAFT KEY, you can go back to the previous level now to get it.  See the note on MISSING SHAFT KEYS at the bottom of this page.)

Use the switch on the wall between two of the receptacles to open a gate down in the passage below, letting in 2 of Von Croy's minions.  If you wait for them to come to you, you can kill both with a single grenade as they enter.  One drops a box of shotgun shells.

Return down the ramp, then through the hallway between the ramps past the sliding blocks to the ROOM WITH THE MARBLE BASIN.  Now the east (right) alcove is open.  Go in and pick up a large medipak.  Then use the switch to open a gate down near the SHAFT OF BLUE LIGHT.

Exit past the sliding blocks, then through the gate and down to the MAIN TUNNEL.  Here you'll encounter 2 more blue-robed baddies, one on each side of the doorway as you re-enter the MAIN TUNNEL.  The one on the left drops a small medipak when he dies.

Continue downhill.  Shoot a bat and pick up some Uzi clips just before the next pit.  Take a standing jump across the gap.  (A running jump is too long and will make Lara overshoot the ledge.) Kill another bat.  Then take a running jump across the next pit.  From here you can kill another bad guy in the hall ahead.

Before jumping across the next pit, turn around and use the light in your BINOCULARS or a flare to see a small alcove down inside the dark pit.  Take a standing jump down to this alcove and pick up a CROSSBOW (or arrows if you already have the weapon).  This is secret #1 (70/70).  Congratulations if you've found all the secrets! Take a standing jump from the edge of the ledge to grab the opposite rim of the pit and pull up.

Take a standing jump over the next pit to another narrow ledge.  Hop down to the ledge just below, where you'll find a large medipak.  Now take a running jump across the last pit toward the gate.  (It should be open if you used the switch in the east alcove of the ROOM WITH THE MARBLE BASIN.) Enter and kill a few more bats.

Climb down inside the opening with the SHAFT OF BLUE LIGHT.  Partway down on the west side is an opening.  Climb in and follow the passage to the next level.

MISSING SHAFT KEYS: If you are missing the EASTERN SHAFT KEY, you can return to the previous level to get it.  In the room with the four skylights and four star-shaped receptacles, pull the switch to open the gate below, and kill the 2 robed enemies who come to investigate.  Return down the ramp and through the gate you just opened to the main tunnel.

Go up the ramp, taking a running jump-grab to get across the gap.  An assassin comes in through the pyramid entrance as you make your way up the ramp.  Wait for him come halfway down the ramp before killing him, or you may be unable to pick up the large medipak he drops.  The first time I killed him, he fell near the entrance, so I couldn't get close enough to pick up the medipak without triggering the level-load.

Exit to the previous level, then make your way across the side of the pyramid to the left, backtracking the way you came.  Jump the excavation pit to the space between two of the smaller pyramids, where you'll find the entrance to the MAZE.  Details are shown in this series of screenshots.  If you need help navigating the MAZE and finding the EASTERN SHAFT KEY, follow the KHUFU'S QUEEN'S PYRAMIDS walkthrough.  Once you have the key, return to the room with the star-shaped key receptacles INSIDE THE GREAT PYRAMID and continue as described under "ACTIVATING THE SHAFT OF LIGHT," above.

If you are missing any of the three other keys, I'm afraid you're out of luck, as it's impossible to go back to any of the earlier levels.  You can either replay from an earlier save, use the level-skip cheat here, or download a saved game for the end of this level.  Choose patched save (if you installed the TRLR patch) or unpatched save.  For help with savegames and .zip files, see here.)

*NOTE: There are 70 secrets in the entire game.  These are marked "(x/70)" in this walkthrough.  To check your progress in-game, press Pause and choose Statistics.

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Copyright © 2000 - Stellalune (e-mail stella@tombraiders.net).  Special thanks are given to the participants in the alt.games.tombraider newsgroup, without whom some parts of this walkthrough couldn't have been written.  Thanks also to Helena and Hagix for their help on this level.  Feel free to copy, distribute and quote this walkthrough, but please include this credit line so people can send me their corrections, comments and suggestions.  Also, if you'd like to offer this on your own web site, please read and follow the instructions here.

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