Secrets: 4**

(NOTE: This level, along with the next two, the Great Hypostyle Hall and the Sacred Lake, are like one big level made up of linked parts.  You can go between them as many times as you need to, but twice through each level should be enough if you explore thoroughly.  I have included both visits to each level on the same page.)

Cut scene: Lara drives into the ruins at breakneck speed, swerves to a stop and hops out the Jeep.

COURTYARD WITH OBELISK: The level begins in an open area with pillars.  Turn left (west) and climb over the ruined wall into a courtyard with a pointed obelisk Two black scorpions emerge-one on the ground to the left, one from behind the obelisk.

[NOTE: Unlike the red scorpions in earlier levels, these guys are poisonous.  If Lara gets bitten, her health bar will turn yellow, showing that she's been poisoned.  Her vision (and yours) will start to blur and waver—an interesting effect and worth experiencing if you've got a medipak to spare or have recently saved your game.  She'll continue to take damage from poison until a medipak is used.]

Pick up the small medipak on the step near the obelisk.  Now survey the scene: To the left (south) are THREE GOLDEN DOORWAYS.  Ahead (to the west) is a HALLWAY LINED WITH COLUMNS.  And to the right (north) is a stone wall with a gap in it, leading to another open area.

THREE GOLDEN DOORWAYS: Enter the middle one.  Climb onto the low wall, then up onto the ledge on the right.  Jump over to the next ledge to get a small medipak.  Jump back to the middle ledge, then jump to the next (shorter) ledge and pick up some Uzi clips.  Finally, jump to the little ledge for a box of wideshot shells.  Drop into the room below.  Drop into the pit and crawl through small opening.  As soon as Lara can stand, draw guns and kill a black scorpion.  This is secret #1 (26/70).

Go up the steps to a room with various jars.  The first jar contains shotgun shells.  In the next room, 3 more black scorpions lurk behind the pedestals.  So take care of them, then climb up onto the ledges with the light colored jars and shoot them to get the items inside: a large medipak, wideshot shells, Uzi clips and flares.  Crawl out the way you came in and return to the OBELISK COURTYARD.

Turn left and look for two worn blocks, one low, one higher, to the left of the entrance to the HALLWAY LINED WITH COLUMNS.  The taller block is sloped on the left side, flat on the right.  Grab onto the front edge of this block.  Traverse to the right as far as possible without traversing around the corner and pull up to stand on the right side of the tall block.  Angle Lara a little to the right and take a standing jump to grab the ledge ahead.  Pull up and get some wideshot shells.  Drop down.  (NOTE: If you're having trouble with this, the sequence is shown in this screenshot.)

HALLWAY LINED WITH COLUMNS: Enter the building here.  Note the square, gray door on the right.  You'll be back here at the END OF THE LEVEL.  Continue up the ramp.  There is a pool at the top of the stairs, but Lara will look up to the right-a none-too-subtle hint.  Use the block to climb onto the ledge above.  Turn around and jump over the opening in the floor to the walkway in the center, then to the far walkway.  Pick up Uzi clips and shotgun shells in the corners.  Then jump back to the center walkway and and use the mechanisms in the 2 niches to open the gated alcoves.

Inside the left alcove is a small medipak on the floor and a SHOTGUN (or shotgun shells) on the pedestal.  Inside the right alcove is the FIRST CANOPIC JAR on another pedestal.**

Cut scene: When Lara takes the canopic jar, we see a room with wide stairs and an ornate bowl.  Guess that's where we're headed.

Drop down and jump into the pool.  Swim down and retrieve some flares from the bottom.  Get air, then swim down through the opening in the side wall.  Swim through the passageway until you come to a square door.  Position Lara facing the gray square at the center of the door and press Action.  She'll then open it.  Swim back for air.

Now swim down through the crack again, then through the door you just opened.  Follow the passage and when it turns left, look up in the ceiling for a small square opening where you can get air.  Climb out onto the ledge for secret #2 (27/70), Uzi clips and arrows (two separate pick-ups).

Stand facing the water and jump in.  Swim down and forward, through a narrow horizontal opening.  Continue swimming forward to a larger, square passageway with bluish lighting.  To the right is a dead end with a gate, through which you can see another area.  To the left is a small, triangular opening.  If you swim close to the ceiling, you can get Lara inside without getting stuck.  This is secret #3 (28/70).  Pick up the goodies-a large medipak, Uzi clips, wideshot shells and poisoned arrows-making a trip or two back to the small, square opening for air if necessary.

Swim back along the passage (southward), through the square door, to the deep pool so you can surface.  Climb out and head back outside to the OBELISK COURTYARD.

BUILDING WITH RED BANDS AROUND ROOFS: Turn left and climb through the gap in the wall to another open area with a two-story structure.  You can climb up onto the lower roof-more like a walkway, really-to get some goodies.  After coming through the gap in the wall from teh OBELISK area, continue straight ahead under the walkway.  Here you'll find a block ledge.  Climb up onto it, turn around and take a diagonal standing jump to the left to grab the edge of the opening to the walkway above.  Pull up and pick up some shotgun shells.  (NOTE: If you're having difficulty here, see this screenshot.  It shows this ledge with an arrow indicating where to jump and grab.)

Ahead (to the left if you're facing the gap in the wall where you entered) is a low block with a small medipak on top.  At the opposite end of the walkway, you'll also find some Uzi clips.  After getting them, drop down.

Enter the building on the left side between the pillars.  Stay alert for the black scorpion lurking behind the blocks.  Get the flares on the block in the far left corner.  Then drop down into the hole and follow the short passageway inside.

ROOM WITH STAIRS, PITS AND CEREMONIAL BOWL: Here you'll find a wide staircase, which leads down to the CEREMONIAL BOWL, which you saw in the last cut scene.  The staircase is flanked by two large, rectangular pits.

On the left wall, just ahead of where you entered, look for an elevated crawlspace between the first two striped square columns.  Climb in and crawl into the passageway for secret #4 (29/70), flares and 2 sets of Uzi clips.  Return to the big room.

Down in the pit on the left, there's a black scorpion.  The pit on the right contains another scorpion, along with a small medipak.  After getting the medipak, climb out of the pit, stand on the highest step and jump to grab the handholds on the ceiling.  Traverse across the pit, drop onto the block on the other side and kill another scorpion.  Push the button in the middle of the wall above the stairs to open the brown door on the opposite wall, letting in yet another scorpion.

Behind the brown door is a small niche.  Operate the mechanism inside to lower the CEREMONIAL BOWL, revealing an opening in the floor.  Drop through this opening into the room below.  Pick up the large medipak on the block.

ROOM WITH BOWL AND STATUES HOLDING LONG HORNS: There are two doors and a crawlspace leading out of this room.  The two doors both lead to a room with a large pool with a statue on the far side of it.  The current prevents you from swimming over to the statue.  Go through the door on the right to get to the room with the pool.  Jump into the water and swim underneath the ledge to find 2 boxes of shotgun shells.  Swim to the center of the room and let the current carry you back to the BOWL, where you can climb out.

Now go to the left door.  In the doorway is a rectangular niche.  Use the CANOPIC JAR here.

Cut scene: We see the gray door opening back at the room inside the HALLWAY LINED WITH COLUMNS (where you found the CANOPIC JAR).

Climb into the crawlspace high on the wall near the left door, where you just used the jar.  Continue through the passageway.  There are several turns and places where you have to climb through narrow spaces, but you can't really make a wrong turn.  On the way, pick up some flares in an alcove on the right side of the passage.  You'll emerge in a sandy room outside the ROOM WITH STAIRS, PITS AND CEREMONIAL BOWL.  You can find flat spots on the sand hill that enable you to jump out of this area to get back outside.  (Or, if you have trouble with that, go through the ROOM WITH STAIRS, PITS AND CEREMONIAL BOWL and out the other side where you first came in.)

Return through the gap in the wall to the OBELISK COURTYARD.  Turn right and re-enter the HALLWAY LINED WITH COLUMNS.  Inside the building on the right is the gray door you just opened.  Enter here and slide down into the room below to end the level.

Continue with the walkthrough for THE GREAT HYPOSTYLE HALL (first time).

TEMPLE OF KARNAK (second time)

Secrets: none

You return to this level for the second time through an underwater passage from the SACRED LAKE level.  (See SACRED LAKE, first time).  Climb up to emerge in the room with the pool, just beyond the room where you used the FIRST CANOPIC JAR.  Go to the nearest doorway (just ahead on the left) and place the SECOND CANOPIC JAR in the niche.

Cut scene: Magic liquid pours down through the statues' long horns into the CEREMONIAL BOWL, causing it to tip and spill into the pool.

Go back to the pool room and try out Lara's new ability to-yes!-walk on water.  Cross the pool to the statue and climb up behind it.  Pick up some Uzi clips.  Then go through the doorway.  Follow the hall to the end.

OUTDOOR AREA WITH POOL AND ELECTRIC OBELISKS: Go to the right door and drop down onto a block.  From here you can kill a couple of crocodiles lurking around the pool.  There are 3 crocodiles in all, but one of them probably won't come out until you come down from the block.  When the coast is clear, pick up some shotgun shells on the sand to the right and more shells on the bottom of the pool.  Swim down through the underwater passage.  Climb out of the water and press the button.

Cut scene: The cage between the obelisks lowers, revealing a golden statue on a pedestal.

Swim back to the pool and take the HYPOSTYLE KEY and the SUN GODDESS from the pedestal.  (NOTE: These are two separate pick-ups.  You can come back later if you miss one, but you'll save yourself a lot of time if you get both now.)

Cross the pool again and climb back up the block and into the building.  Return through the walking-on-water room to the ROOM WITH THE BOWL.  Go through the crawlspace on the right (east) wall, which leads back outside.  (You've been through here before.) When you drop into the sandy area outside the ROOM WITH STAIRS AND PITS, one of Von Croy's goons attacks.  There's another bad guy lurking inside the pit room.  You can either go get him or avoid this area.

Return outdoors to the BUILDING WITH RED BANDS AROUND ROOFS, either by jumping over the sand pile or climbing over the block in the sandy area, or through the crawlspace from the ROOM WITH THE BOWL.  There are 2 more henchmen lurking out here among the pillars.  After dealing with them, climb through the gap in the wall back to the OBELISK COURTYARD.  Enter the building on the right, watching out for another baddie in the HALLWAY LINED WITH COLUMNS.  Go through the gray door on the right and slide back into the HYPOSTYLE HALL level.

Continue with the walkthrough for THE GREAT HYPOSTYLE HALL (second time).

*NOTE: There are 70 secrets in the entire game.  These are marked "(x/70)" in this walkthrough.  To check your progress in-game, press Pause and choose Statistics.

**FYI: Canopic jars are the containers that held the organs of a mummy.  There were four jars for holding the intestines, liver, stomach and lungs.  The brain was not thought to be important, and was extracted and thrown away.  The stopper of the jars was generally shaped to resemble the deceased or in the images of the four sons of Horus.  (See the Theban Mapping Project site, http://www.kv5.com/html/objects.html, for more info.)

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Copyright © 2000 - Stellalune (e-mail stella@tombraiders.net).  Special thanks are given to the participants in the alt.games.tombraider newsgroup, without whom some parts of this walkthrough couldn't have been written.  Thanks also to Ryan, Nick B.  and Sharon E.  for their help on this level.  Feel free to copy, distribute and quote this walkthrough, but please include this credit line so people can send me their corrections, comments and suggestions.  Also, if you'd like to offer this on your own web site, please read and follow the instructions here.

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